It is a legal requirement under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 that employers’ have employers’ liability insurance for their employees working on a full or part time basis, a work experience placement or as a volunteer helper. Exemptions can apply for businesses that employ close family members and are not incorporated as a limited company.
Liability Insurance
Liability Insurance for Animal Related Activities

Brooks Braithwaite (Sussex) Ltd offer public liability, employer’s liability and member to member insurance. Public liability insurance covers clients for legal liability to third parties, including related legal costs if a third party is injured or their property is damaged.
Employers’ liability insurance covers clients for their legal liability to pay compensation and claimants’ costs and expenses in respect of an injury sustained by an employee arising out of or in the course of the employee’s employment.

Member to member insurance covers club/society members for bodily injury to any other member or damage to their property caused by a member of the insured club/society, whilst both are engaged at an organised club or society event.
Brooks Braithwaite (Sussex) Ltd can
offer a wide range of liability
cover including: