Parrot Names: Male, Female, Famous, and Not-so-famous


What should you call your parrot? From famous names to not-so-famous names, from the usual to the unusual, we’ve got plenty of ideas to help you find the perfect name for your feathered friend.

Naming Your Parrot

Your parrot’s name should be as individual as your parrot’s personality. Take your time when naming your new arrival. Watch them for a few days and see what kind of personality they have. Are they quiet and shy? Are they noisy and a bit of a chatterbox? As you get to know them, you’ll begin to see a few traits that will inspire the perfect name. You could also base the name on, colour, family names, or choose from our selection below.

Famous Parrot Names
Male Parrot Names
Female Parrot Names
Unusual Parrot Names
ExoticDirect Parrot Names

A beautiful orange and green parrot in a cage

Famous Parrot Names

Alex – The Genius Parrot

The most famous parrot of all, Alex the African Grey, was the subject of a 30 year study to understand how intelligent parrots could be. His name was short for “Avian Language Experiment”. Trained by his owner, Dr Pepperberg, an animal psychologist, Alex could identify shapes, colours and even form basic vocabulary!

Polynesia – The Talking Parrot

From the books about Dr. Doolittle, Polynesia is the famous African Grey parrot who taught the doctor how to speak to animals. Polynesia was portrayed as a Blue and Gold Macaw in the 1967 film but didn’t quite make it into the 1990’s movies featuring Eddie Murphy. However, she remains one of the most iconic parrots in literature.

Blu & Jewel – The Lovebirds

These two famous Spix Macaws feature in the 2011 animated movie Rio. They embark on an exciting adventure while escaping a villainous Cockatoo named Nigel and eventually fall in love.

Mac – The Adventurer

A treasure-hunting Macaw features in the Aussie adventure film Mac. He helps to find buried treasure and save an elderly man from a nursing home, proving parrots can be both daring and loyal.

Iago – The Scheming Sidekick

This famous Scarlet Macaw accompanied the villain Jafar in Aladdin. Iago is a great name for a talkative, mischievous and cheeky parrot.

Snowball – The Dancing Star

A Cockatoo famous for his amazing dancing tricks on YouTube. His shimmying, stomping and head banging to the sounds of pop music has attracted thousands of views.

Einstein – The Talkative Parrot

Another YouTube sensation, Einstein the parrot has an impressive vocabulary of 200 words and sounds. He has attracted millions of views and even has his own channel with over 59,500 subscribers!

Captain Flint – The Pirate’s Parrot

The most famous pirate parrot would be Long John Silver’s parrot in Treasure Island. The parrot is named after his former captain and is the ultimate pirate-inspired parrot name choice.

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A stunning yellow and blue parrot

Boy or Girl?

Choosing the right parrot name is difficult, but naming your parrot before knowing its gender is even more tricky! You’ll find that some birds, like Artha the African Grey or Henry the Jardine Parrot, turned out to be the opposite gender than expected.

It’s not easy to tell the gender of your parrot when they’re very young. Unless your breeder can tell you it, a DNA test may be the most accurate way of finding out, which would need to be done at the vet. If you prefer to wait until the bird gets a little older, you can watch for feather colour changes or egg-laying as they mature.

If you want to learn more about insuring a parrot, visit our Parrot Insurance page. You’ll find everything you need to know, including what’s covered, policy options, and how insurance can help protect your pet against unexpected vet bills.

A baby parrot in a palm of a hand

Male Parrot Names

Alfie Barney Benny
Bentley Billy Bobby
Bongo Buddy Castor
Charlie Chocolate Christian
Coco Cosmo Dali
Dave Echo Elwood
Felix Fernando Flash
Frank George Gideon
Gizmo Greyson Harry
Homer Jack Jambo
Kirby Lester Max
Merlin Monty Moses
Newman Nibbles Oliver
Orville Oscar Pebbles
Quincy Ragner Red
Ringo Rocco Ross
Rubix Rusty Scooby
Scooter Shadow Sooty
Sperry Sterling Storm
Sweep Taz Toby
Tyson Van Helsing Vincent
Whisky Wilbur Yoda
Zak Zeus Ziggy

Female Parrot Names

Abby Angel Ash
Belle Betty Betty Grable
Bobbi Bonnie Cherub
Chloe Dotty Dusty
Gracey Honey Kezzy
Kika Kiki Lolita
Lucky Mindy Nell
Pearly Pepper Pixie
Rosie Sasha Shadow
Smokey Star Talulla
Tilly Trixie Twinkle
Wanda Willow Zazza
Zizzi Zebs Zola

A lovely grey and yellow parrot

Unusual Parrot Names

Bam boo Billy Elliot Buttons Bear
Captain Cook Crackers Einstein
Gigsy Hobnob J Lo
Miss Moneypenny Mozart Mr Spock
Mrs G Pikachu Poly-Styrene
Scooby Doo Shrek Smirnoff
Spartacus Uncle Frank

A grey parrot in its cage

ExoticDirect Parrot Names

Alfie Billy Bubba
Chaos Charlie Colin
Dakota George Gizmo
Henry Jasper Little Bill
Lola Ollie Ozzy
Pat Pepper Pika-boo
Red Ricky Rio
Rosa Ruby Spike
Teepee Thor

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